Donate now any value to #NossoTheatro!
You can choose between donations within and outside the framework of the Culture Incentive Act from the Ministry of Citizenship. Understand the differences:
You can make a TED or DOC money transfer to this account:
CNPJ: 10.462.524/0001-58
Santander Bank – 033
Branch: 3809
Checking account: 13.001.811-5
In this modality, the donation cannot be deducted from your Income Tax.
When you make your donation, please send the confirmation slip to the email with the following information:
full name
CPF number
full address
ZIP Code
Phone number
You can make a donation to the Annual Plan of Activities from Santa Marcelina Cultura, approved by the Culture Incentive Act from the Ministry of Citizenship. Our project is approved in compliance with Article 18, which allows 100% of deduction from the Income Tax.
To donate, you must make an identified TED/DOC money transfer to the project’s or the annual plan’s checking account. It is also possible to schedule monthly identified deposits to the account.
The data for depositing in the account from the Annual Plan of Activities from Santa Marcelina Cultura 2020 are:
Annual Plan of Activities from Santa Marcelina Cultura 2020 PRONAC: 19 2866 Corporate Name: Associação de Cultura, Educação e Assistência Social Santa Marcelina CNPJ: 10.462.524/0001-58 Banco do Brasil – 001 Branch: 1911-9 Number: 8.507-3
In this modality, up to 4% of your Income Tax can be used for this type of donation.
a) For deposits made directly via Banco do Brasil:
1st identifier: inform the donor’s CPF number;
2nd identifier: inform code 2 – Donations
b) When made from a different banking institution, through DOC:
1st Inform on the Purpose field the following codes:
20 – Rouanet Act Donations
c) When made from a different banking institution, through TED:
1st Inform, on the Purpose field, the following codes:
Client: finlddcli – 44 – Rouanet Act – Donation (transfers made by clients)
Attention! Depending on the internet banking system, the TED purpose code may not be visible, only the option “Donation with Tax Incentive”.
When you make your donation, please send the confirmation slip to the email with the following information:
full name
CPF number
full address
ZIP Code
Phone number
What does the Federal Culture Incentive Act say?
Through the Federal Culture Incentive Act, both individuals and companies can contribute with a percentage of their Income Tax to projects and annual plans duly approved and qualified to collect funds.
Who can donate?
Contrary to what many believe, individuals can also donate, provided that they opt for the full Income Tax statement and do not exceed the limit of 6% of the tax owed.
How much can I contribute with?
Individuals: up to 6% of the income tax owed
Companies: up to 4% of the income tax owed
How does the tax deduction work?
The donor must make the deposit until the final banking operation day of the year before the Income Tax statement, respecting the limit of 6%. The payment can be deducted on the income state related to the respective tax year.
In other words, first the donor makes the identified deposit, and when they state the income tax the full value of the contribution is deducted.
Of which documents do I need to prove the deposit?
Currently, the deposit is automatically identified by the Brazilian IRS. Additionally, the Receipt of Patronage also proves the contribution made to the project and is sent by us to the donor.
How to include the donation in my income tax statement?
For individuals, the donation value must be included in the (full model) statement, in the section “Payments and donations made”, with the code 41.
Do you have other doubts about the program #AdoteMúsica for donations within the framework?
We’re here to help! Please contact us directly via email
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